拥有松树林地资源约 14.35万亩,从原料端开始严格把控树脂产品品质。
在松脂富产区附近拥有 8 家生产主体,保障供货的安全与稳定。在广州和上海分别设有销售服务中心,组建了一支 20 余人的内销和外贸团队,对各区域内客户提供快速、精细化服务。集团产品畅销全国,远销30多个国家和地区。产品体系多元化、覆盖面广,不仅覆盖了胶粘剂、油墨、涂料、橡胶塑料行业,还拓展了在电子化学品、医疗耗材、化妆品及食品等多个领域的应用。
Scientifically manage and improve the quality of pine forests, protecting the local ecological environment.
Support the livelihood and increase the income of local farmers.
Continue to create a safe, healthy, and fair working environment for employees.
Save energy and reduce emissions by investing in fire safety, environmental protection, and solid waste treatment.